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1816 Record of Marriage plus Church
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1871 Census
James Rutherford, Margaret Hamilton plus children
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
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1881 Census
James, second wife Mildred and Mildred's brother George Masters
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
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1891 Census
Mildred visiting friend in London
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1958.1 Summer 1 (unedited)
1958.1 Summer 1 (unedited)
It’s the summer of 1958. The Brehaut family is on holidays in the state of Washington. Judd bought a movie camera! An 8mm; this was the middle of last century after all. Was it a planned purchase? Was it his intention all along to buy a movie camera on that trip, or was it the spur of the moment?

Once purchased, the issue was how does one…
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1958.1 Summer 2 (unedited)
1958.1 Summer 2 (unedited)
West coast of United States, 1958, summer.

This movie might be Judd’s second movie, again unedited. It was taken slightly later on the same trip, this time in Seaside and Yachats, both in Oregon. I remember watching cartoons in the morning in the motel at Seaside and not wanting to go out to the beach, just across the street!

Of special…
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1959.1 Summer (unedited)
1959.1 Summer (unedited)
This movie is composed of two subjects. First, it documents, so to speak, a Canadian Press convention held at the Banff Springs Hotel, in Banff, Alberta. The second part shows some of the work that went into building a patio in the back yard of the old family home, on Garden Crescent in Calgary.
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
1959.2 Christmas (unedited)
1959.2 Christmas (unedited)
It is possible that this is Judd’s first Christmas movie with the light bar, a bar of 4 spot lights that attached to the camera. Certainly there are strong shadows in some scenes.

Also of note, Dora Rutherford, Grannie or Great Grannie or Great Great Grannie depending on your generation, Betty’s mother, was in Calgary for a Christmas visit.…
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
2009 Betty Brehaut: A Life in Pictures
2009 Betty Brehaut: A Life in Pictures
In 2009, Betty Rutherford Brehaut turned 90. This is short recap of her first 90 years first presented on a family cruise to Alaska in June of that year. Betty passed away in June 2013.
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Jon Brehaut
A Brehaut Family 400 Years Ago
A Brehaut Family 400 Years Ago
A history of the Brehauts on the Island of Guernsey, now 500 years ago.

Place: Guernsey, UK
49.457639281109564, -2.5625748924225844
A Canadian Expeditionary Force personnel record.
A Canadian Expeditionary Force personnel record.
Most likely explanation is that her name was listed as receiving Maynard's pay or next of kin. The service record that is associated with her personnel record, at least according to, is Maynard's.
Armitage Family Crest
Armitage Family Crest
Betty and Ernest, 1939
Betty and Ernest, 1939
Aboard the RMS Ascania, on the way to Canada, 1939
Betty and Judd emerging from their wedding ceremony, Sept 1940
Betty and Judd emerging from their wedding ceremony, Sept 1940
Betty at the Homestead in Bragg Creek, May 1953.
Betty at the Homestead in Bragg Creek, May 1953.
Betty Rutherford
Betty Rutherford
A brief biography.
Betty Rutherford, 1939
Betty Rutherford, 1939
Soon after arriving back in Canada after trip to England.
Betty's Ideas to Save Money, the early 60s
Betty's Ideas to Save Money, the early 60s
Owner of original: Kevan
Betty's Mince Pies
Betty's Mince Pies
How to make Betty's mince pies for Christmas.
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Eleanor Minick
Place: Denver, Colorado, USA
39.7392358, -104.990251
Canadian Census, 1881.
Canadian Census, 1881.
Ada Francis Judd listed as about 2 months old.
Owner of original:
Date: 26 Feb 2024
Census of Canada, 1901
Census of Canada, 1901
Shows Ada's date of birth.
Owner of original:
Date: 26 Feb 2024
Census of Canada, 1921
Census of Canada, 1921
Census indicates that Ada had reverted to her maiden name. Only two children at home, Constance and Judd.
Dora Rutherford: Brief Biography
Dora Rutherford: Brief Biography
Eagle Island
Eagle Island
Where we used to vacation before moving west.
Owner of original: Betty Rutherford
Editorial columns, Calgary Herald, 1955
Editorial columns, Calgary Herald, 1955
Judd Brehaut's weekly columns written in 1955 for publication in the Calgary Herald.
Owner of original: Jon Brehaut
Place: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
51.04660467578177, -114.06547798487244
Editorial Columns, Calgary Herald, 1956
Editorial Columns, Calgary Herald, 1956
Judd Brehaut's weekly columns written for and published by the Calgary Herald. Between June 7 and July 5, it appears that Judd travelled back east for three weeks. There is no other record of this trip to date. His column of July 5 discusses how he felt when he went home.
Owner of original: Jon Brehaut
Place: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
51.046564205218075, -114.06542434069215
Editorial Columns, Calgary Herald, 1957
Editorial Columns, Calgary Herald, 1957
Judd Brehaut's weekly columns written for and published by the Calgary Herald. Judd ceased writing these columns early in the year, likely due to his promotion to News Editor about that time.
Owner of original: Jon Brehaut
51.046570298317874, -114.06544683543841
Ernest and Dora Rutherford, c1936
Ernest and Dora Rutherford, c1936
Ernest at his desk, probably in early 1950s.
Ernest at his desk, probably in early 1950s.
Ernest with daughter Betty, 1919
Ernest with daughter Betty, 1919
Henry Benjamin Judd, Record of Birth and Baptism
Henry Benjamin Judd, Record of Birth and Baptism
From Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968

There is an obvious transcription error on page 1. The scan of the written entry clearly states birth date as 17 June 1852, even though he was not baptized until 6 April 1915. Since baptismal certificates were official identity documents in Quebec at that time, it is…
Owner of original:
Date: 27 Feb 2024
Henry Benjamin Judd, Record of Death and Burial
Henry Benjamin Judd, Record of Death and Burial
From: Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968

Burial record signed by Judd Warren Brehaut.
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Index of Death Record, Maynard E Brehaut
Index of Death Record, Maynard E Brehaut
This document shows that Maynard was living in the US at the time of his death. But it is not the actual record of his death.
Owner of original:
Date: 27 Feb 2024
James Rutherford (born 1795?) and Wife, Margaret, 1851 Census
James Rutherford (born 1795?) and Wife, Margaret, 1851 Census
Ernest's great-grandparents
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James Rutherford 1851 Census
James Rutherford 1851 Census
Records James Rutherford, Ernest's grandfather in Sheffield.
James Rutherford and family Census 1841 Record
James Rutherford and family Census 1841 Record
Owner of original:
James Rutherford, Record of Birth
James Rutherford, Record of Birth
Owner of original:
Judd and Betty
Judd and Betty
Judd and Betty Wedding Photo
Judd Brehaut
Judd Brehaut
Judd as Managing Editor at the Calgary Herald, 1964.
Place: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
51.04473309999999, -114.0718831
Judd Brehaut at Work
Judd Brehaut at Work
Judd working at his desk at the Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph offices, Quebec City, circa 1939. He was City Editor at this time, which is also evident from the number of papers on his desk. It is possible this photo was taken during the Royal Visit that year.
Owner of original: Reg Brehaut
Place: Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
46.8130816, -71.20745959999999
Judd Brehaut, A Life
Judd Brehaut, A Life
This document is a work-in-progress by Reg Brehaut, Judd's eldest son, based on his memories in combination with family articles that were passed on with additional information as it comes to light.
Owner of original: Reg Brehaut
Judd Brehaut: The Beginnings
Judd Brehaut: The Beginnings
Map of Murray Harbour
Map of Murray Harbour
Maple Syrup, the 50s
Maple Syrup, the 50s
A tasty snack from Eastern Canada.
Owner of original: Kevan
Maria Armitage 1841 Census Record
Maria Armitage 1841 Census Record
Owner of original:
Marriage Record for Ada Judd and Maynard Brehaut
Marriage Record for Ada Judd and Maynard Brehaut
First page is full of transcription errors. Correct information is on the second page.
Owner of original:
Date: 27 Feb 2024
Maynard Brehaut Canadian Expeditionary Force Service Record
Maynard Brehaut Canadian Expeditionary Force Service Record
This record shows that Maynard was residing in Boston, Mass., USA at the time of enlisting.
Owner of original:
Date: 27 Feb 2024
Maynard Brehaut, Passenger List 1919
Maynard Brehaut, Passenger List 1919
Maynard arrives back in Halifax after the war.
Owner of original:
Date: 27 Feb 2024
Maynard Brehaut, Social Security Index, 1937
Maynard Brehaut, Social Security Index, 1937
This document shows that by 1937, Maynard had applied for or made a claim for Social Security payments. He would have been 62 years old. It confirms his date of birth and his parentage.
Owner of original:
Date: 27 Feb 2024
Maynard Brehaut, US Alien Case File, 1916
Maynard Brehaut, US Alien Case File, 1916
This document suggests that Maynard entered the US in August 1916 with the intent to work and perhaps to remain.
Owner of original:
Date: 27 Feb 2024

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